With Nodd,
it's Safe to Be Honest.

Getting honest, critical feedback is hard. Candor can break down for even the most enlightened teams. So Nodd is designed for one thing above all others: create a psych­ologically safe environment where people can honestly, candidly, frankly share what they’re really thinking. So Nodd Feedback is:

  • Anonymous.

    Fears of alienation, awkward­ness, career suicide, and many other factors make people very reluctant to criticize. To make frank feedback safe, Nodd keeps reviewers’ identities 100% con­fidential and responses are only ever shown in aggregate.

  • Continuous.

    People only remember the good times when writing a colleague's annual review. But when feed­back is a continuous ritual, review­ers can respond candidly, knowing that even the most crit­ical feedback will be tempered over time.

  • Private.

    No one wants to be the reason a colleague doesn’t get a raise. When feedback flows through HR or man­age­ment, reviews turn into meaning­less compliment-parties. So feed­back in Nodd is direct and private. It’s only ever visible to the user who requested it.

Nodd is
Reviewer Friendly.

Reviewers won't participate if they feel disengaged, over­whelmed or lose sight of the impact of their feedback. Worse yet, loss of trust can lead to trolling and damaging the signal from otherwise engaged, legit­imate reviews. To keep reviewers happy, Nodd prompts are:

  • Quick.

    Nodd prompts are quick and to the point. Most can be answer­ed with a single click, directly in the prompt email.

  • Structured.

    Nodd prompts are structured to help reviewers provide con­structive feed­back without a lot of thinking pain.

  • Fun-ish.

    Nodd prompts are fun. Not “roller coaster” fun, but at least as fun as workplace feedback software can be.

Nodd's "Proven Prompts".

The "Simple Personal Feedback" Prompt

If you have a question, we have a validated, reliable way to ask it. “Proven Prompts” decrease the bias common to homegrown surveys and let you bench­mark results against other teams across Nodd’s network.

Categories Include:
Personal: How can an individual im­prove?   Team & Process: How can the team improve?  Satisfaction: Are people happy with ____? 
 (e.g. “Are employees engaged in their work?”)  Crowd Prediction: How confident are we about ____? 

 (e.g. “What's the probability that we hit our Q2 Revenue Goals?”)  Culture: Are we aligned with our stated values?

You can try a few sample prompts here: Simple Personal Feedback, Personal Strengths & Weaknesses, Employee Engagement, How was your day?